Sunday, February 27, 2022

Blessings Come From Church Participation

Membership and participation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has brought me wonderful blessing! Many of those blessings come from the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is taught in the church, but there are also distinct blessing that come from the organization and the gathering and serving that we do within the organization.

I started thinking about this as I read a talk by Dallin H. Oaks entitled, "The Need for a Church." Speaking about serving in the temple and serving as a missionary he said, "None of such service would be possible without the Church that sponsors it, organizes it, and directs it."

That struck home to me! I have had the opportunity to serve as a young missionary, and I'm now preparing to serve as a senior missionary. I'm also currently serving in the temple. I've also had the opportunity to serve in many different roles in wards and stakes. Some of these roles have lasted for many years! These experiences and the people I had the opportunity to love and serve, and to serve with, have molded me and given me opportunities to learn and grow. I could not be the person I am today without these experiences! It is hard to adequately express how profoundly important the opportunities to serve in the church are to me!

It is also through my service that I have gained a great appreciation for our Savior Jesus Christ and how much I need Him and rely on Him!

Our adversary teaches that service is a burden or a trial and that church is unnecessary, restrictive, or harmful. Those are all lies. Service in the Church of Jesus Christ is a great blessing! I am very thankful for it!